Do you forget your re-usable shopping bags when going to the store or farmer's market? Here are a few tips: always have available more cloth bags than you think you need, keep several at home and several with your bicycle or in your car, and stash bags that fold up small in your backpack, handbag, or jacket pocket. This new batch of totes made from trousers pant legs and lightweight handles easily pack small. Watch here for updates on where to purchase these totes in the Denver, CO area this season.
Sewing with repurposed and reclaimed textiles. Established in 2019 in Denver, Colorado. Questions? Email
2024 Kringle Markets
ReSewn will have a table on Nov 30, Dec 1, Dec 14, and Dec 21 at the 2024 Waldschanke Ciders & Coffee Kringle Markets. 11am-4pm. Locat...

Do you have soft, cuddly garments in your closet that are degraded by uncomfortable, scratchy labels? Life is too short to tolerate that, s...
Wind-chill temperatures in Denver were in the negative double digits (F) the previous few days when I created this summer chapeau. The paste...
Sometimes I find a dense wool sweater that felts up so much during the washing and drying process that it is too thick to sew on my non-indu...